What is thatch in a lawn and how does it negatively impact the lawns health?
Thatch is a layer of dead and living turfgrass that develops between your lawn and the actual soil. Thatch is an excellent habitat for insect pests and disease, making mowing difficult. Thatch build-up starts when the turf produces organic debris faster than it can be broken down. Thatch also reduces air and water flow in the lawn.
Sometimes, when the thatch becomes too thick, it does not decompose rapidly enough. Water, fertilizers, and weed control products from reaching the grassroots and, in turn, prevent them from being used as effectively. Additionally, you may find that the thatch layer will prevent new seed from sprouting if it becomes too thick. Remember: Grass grows in soil and not on dead grass.
How often should thatch be removed?
Although some thatch is desirable in your lawn, too much can result in some severe problems. Thick thatch layers can cause extensive root damage. Because thatch heats up and dries out quickly, the roots risk becoming too dry. We recommend taking a square sample from your lawn; if you have more than 1/4 an inch, it is recommended to use a de-thatching service. Always have thatch removed before planting new grass seed, as thatch will interfere with germination.
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